nate html

Hi I’m Nate Balcom…

I’ve been been building websites for years. I started my career in IT as a graphic designer, then a web designer, then when further down the rabbit hole and became a full on web developer. I’ve built and worked on more sites than I can even remember. The following urls listed are the most recent sites I’ve worked on. If you have questions about anything else just ask me.

After I started my IT career in web and graphic design before I worked as a User Experience designer. I’ve built hundreds of websites from scratch. I’ve both maintained and built all manner of sites from educational to subscription based to e-commerce sites and many more. I’m fluent in a wide number of e-commerce platforms and CMS. I’ve been in charge of lead design, web marketing, blog proliferation, e-commerce maintenance, build and website implementation.

In conjunction with my design background, I’m also well versed in SEO. I build the sites and I know how to give Google what it’s looking for so they can be found. I specialize in organic SEO, Google Analytics, social media campaigns and landing pages that convert.

Web Credentials

I have a much deeper tech tool box than what you see listed here. These skills are what I get asked about most.

Adobe Creative Suite
XD, Sketch, Figma

I’ve been working on websites for years. These are the most recent examples of sites I’ve worked on.

Why You Should Hire Me

Google Sprints

Google Design Sprint Week 3

I’m proficient in Adobe XD, Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch & Figma. I’ve been on multiple Google design sprints at Google HQ in Mountainview, CA. I spent years of my career designing and developing responsive websites and software in HTML5 & CSS3.

Download My Resume

Are you looking for some particulars about my Geek cred? Download them here. If you need to know anything not listed please contact me. I don’t just live to work, but I work to live. I’m an open book. Talk to me. Let’s make things happen.

Nate Balcom's Resume PDF
Nate Balcom's Resume DOCX
Nate Balcom's Google Doc Resume

WordPress Skills wordpress PNG37

I’ve been developing with WordPress since its inception. Back before the massive WordPress plugin library was a thing you used to have to edit individual php files in order to build the functionality you required.

With the advent of plugins WordPress went on to become a full fledged CMS rather than a blogging platform. Since then I’ve worked with the following WP Engine, Woo Commerce, Child Themes, Yoast, Rank Math, Gutenberg, Breakdance, Canva, Shopify Integration, Elementor, Beaver Builder, Thesis, plugin and theme development and so much more.

I’m skilled at decreasing load times, improving page speed and efficiency. I’ve built my own templates from scratch as well as themed current installations.

Nate Balcom Skills Google Lighthouse, Google Analytics, GTM, Google Page Speed Insights, Google Search Console, SEM Rush, Screaming Frog, SEO, Organic SEO, Responsive Design, Adobe Creative Suite, Bootstrap, Thesis, HTML5, CSS, jQuery, PHP, SVN, Javascript

Momentum Full-Service Marketing Agency

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UX Optimization Specialist | Feb 2024 - Sep 2024

Nate Balcom Skills HTML · CSS · SEO · jQuery · WordPress · Breakdance · Google Analytics · Google Tag Manager · Google Business Profile · Bing Local Profile · Javascript · SEM Rush · Screaming Frog · Google Page Speed Insights · Google Search Console

During my time at Momentum I was tasked with fixing web site issues for hundreds of client sites, reducing page load times, increasing conversions and creating SEO friendly code. As my code updates were merged, sites loaded 30-50% faster, they climbed in the SERPS, and scored in the green for usability as well as ARIA accessibility.

13 URLs

Momentum has literally 100’s of sites. This is an example of industries and businesses supported.

Homedics Inc.

homedics logo
Responsive Designer/ Coder | Apr 2020 - Jan 2021

Nate Balcom Skills CSS · HTML · SEO · PHP · jQuery · javascript · e-Commerce · Magento · Google Tag Manager

At Homedics I was tasked with creating compelling CSS driven animated web pages. During the pandemic we created interactive landing pages for personal protection devices such as air scrubbers, masks. In addition to that, I created e-commerce pages for high end audio devices, home massage products, aroma-therapy products and more.


Society Of Manufacturing Engineers

sme logo color 100b
UX Front End Designer | Jul 2021 - Feb 2022

Nate Balcom Skills HTML · jQuery · CSS · SEO · CMS · PHP · Sketch

At SME I built and maintained sites and email campaigns for Engineering tech shows. These run all year and are constantly changing. I worked with multiple heads of these shows to update new tech demos and highlighted new trends.


Nate Balcom Skills More Skills: Responsive Website Design, GSAP, Node, Raspberry Pi, A/B Testing, Keyword Research, PHP, OS Commerce, Magento, Video Editing, Social Media Campaigns, Youtube Videos, Brand Marketing, UX Design, Software Design

Connect On LinkedIn

You know I’m on LinkedIn. Why not consider hiring me for permanent employment?

linkedin profile

Contact Me, Let’s GO

Contact Form

Thanks for your interest. If you’d like to schedule a portfolio tour let me know. Please leave a brief message below and I’ll get back to you shortly. Patience is a Virtue…one which I have precious little of. Let’s talk.