I’ve been toying around with, ” featured snippets” on a bunch of sites and am starting to see them show up in Google Search. Featured snippets give your site authority and just a better search presence. The keyword, “Nate Balcom” came with the nice featured snippet listing below. Showed up in listings on August 12, 2024. #3 for my name. Not too shabby if I do say so myself. #narcissist

Google's Featured Snippets

Googleโ€™s search results sometimes show listings where the snippet describing a page comes before a link to a page, not after as with our standard format. Results displayed this way are called "featured snippets." You might find featured snippets on their own within overall search results, within the "People also ask" section, or along with Knowledge Graph information.

This snippet pulled from a concise unordered list on my website. It’s short and sums up what you’ll find when you land on this site. It’s very easy for Google to tell what my post is about and post to the SERPs.

Paragraph Snippets

Google likes to pull short paragraphs that quickly sum up what your post or article is about. If you can add a short, concise intro it can be considered for featured snippets.

Table Snippets


When I say tables I mean tables of information. Well formatted information in an easy to view table can also be considered for featured snippet inclusion. Group like topics that are relevant to each other here for better authority and credibility.

Ordered & Unordered List Snippets

<ol>, <ul>

Lists much like a table of contents of the page are good Google fodder. Try to sum up what your article is about in short sentences. With some decent css this also adds an elegant mobile experience for your readers. By adding a <a name=”aname”></a> links or a good table of contents plugin; I use Rank Math you will be creating content for inclusion by Google.

I haven’t tried to get any featured clips yet, but plan to. An important factor in winning the featured clip is likely the video name. Add a description in your video. Many videos don’t do this, but Google is looking for text to index. Make sure you write a good description so it can be listed.

So be very aware of what you call your video when looking to get a video featured snippet.

Featured snippets are basically old school barely formatted html. If you’re creating a list it’s suggested that Google likes paragraph tags.


<h3>Types of Fish</h3>

Write your content in like you were teaching a class. Explain your subject and make sure the headers are what the key-phrases you want to target. These are likely going to be the featured snippet links.

Aside from video, ordered and unordered lists just write easy to understand defined content. Google likes this. Images are also preferred to accompany your list.